¿Sueña con conocer el mundo? Estos consejos te permitirán viajar…

Desde que hizo su aparición el Covid-19 a comienzos del año 2020, empujando a todas las naciones del mundo a aislarse, cancelando todos los vuelos internacionales y cerrándose herméticamente, muchos argentinos vieron frustrados sus planes de viajar por el mundo, que hacía tanto tiempo planeaban.

Si bien hoy en día las fronteras del mundo parecen abrirse, aún rigen restricciones con respecto a las vacunas, pero actualmente contamos con la facilidad de completar nuestro esquema sin importar el tipo de vacuna para poder programar le viaje.

Por ejemplo en España se aprobó el ingreso de pasajeros que, sin importar qué vacunas se aplicó inicialmente, hayan recibido una tercera dosis de un inmunizante reconocido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA).

Pero esto no es todo, el coronavirus generó una paranoia sobre viajar por el mundo, muchas personas prefieren postergar ese viaje para cuando la pandemia esté más controlada y tomarse un avión al extranjero sea más seguro, tanto para irse como para volver.

Lo más importante de esto es que como seres humanos hemos logrado superar esta brecha con el autocuidado y los planes de vacunación en cada país, por eso te damos los siguientes consejos para que puedas disfrutar de tu viaje o viajes con toda la tranquilidad:

1. Busca asesoría adecuada a la hora de comprar los planes vacacionales, en Aeroviajes contamos con asesores expertos que te permitirán gestionar todo el proceso del viaje para que tengas la mejor experiencia.

2. Planea con anticipación, es por eso que cuentas con agencias como Aeroviajes Pacífico que te permitirá encontrar mejores precios e itinerarios que se ajusten a tus necesidades, teniendo en cuenta las restricciones de ingreso.

3. Ten flexibilidad de las fechas de viaje, ten en cuenta que las temporadas altas encarecen las vacaciones.

4. Busca alternativas para llegar al destino, no tengas miedo a los vuelos con escalas, ya que estos te permite conocer nuevos destinos y mejorar el valor en el viaje.

5. Evite llevar sobre equipaje, las aerolíneas ofrecen tarifas de acuerdo al equipaje y clase que el viajero seleccione, es por eso que si llevas lo necesario te permitirá acceder a un mejor valor en los tiquetes.



¡Conoce estos lugares para disfrutar del turismo gastronómico en Colombia !

Los Tours de gastronomía nos permite conectar con diferentes costumbres y tradiciones de cada lugar, estos llamados secretos culinarios han caracterizado a Colombia para que se tenga en cuenta a la hora de realizar un viaje.

Las experiencias gastronómicas permiten conocer nuevas recetas, enriquecer el paladar, también contribuyen con la economía local e incluso permiten derribar paradigmas sobre lo que creía que no le gustaba.

Cartagena, una de las principales ciudades turísticas del país, cuenta con planes gastronómicos atractivos para nacionales y extranjeros, allí se puede encontrar el tour gastronómico de la fruta, debajo de la famosa Torre del Reloj en la Ciudad Amurallada: corozo, tamarindo, mango, mamones y ciruelas son algunas de las frutas que se pueden degustar.

En esta ciudad, además se puede hacer un tour de comida callejera, encontrando butifarras, carimañolas y arepas, así como tomar un paseo en barco por la bahía, disfrutando de una cena a manteles y de las luces que le dan vida a la ciudad heroica de Colombia durante la noche.

Medellín tiene una oferta gastronómica variada para todos los gustos, pues se puede tomar el tour del café, el cual recorre los cafetales de pueblos como Jardín, Hispania y Andes, para degustar el delicioso grano y amasijos tradicionales de la región. Otros tours dentro de la ciudad que ofrecen comida típica colombiana como bandeja paisa, arepas, buñuelos, empanadas, chorizos y el infaltable aguardiente.

Pasto. La capital del departamento de Nariño se suma a esta lista de recomendaciones con experiencias únicas gastronómicas como las empanadas de añejo, el cuy, el frito pastuso, el helado de paila o el café, el cual, por las condiciones climáticas propias del lugar, tendrá un sabor diferente a lo que se acostumbra en otras zonas del país.

Finalmente, la capital de Colombia no se queda atrás en la lista de recomendaciones de Civitatis, Bogotá tiene un tour llamativo para los amantes de la cerveza artesanal, en el cual se puede experimentar diferentes sabores, aprender de la elaboración de la misma y disfrutar de este tour en compañía de amigos; un delicioso ajiaco, y como perderte de una degustación de chicha, bebida tradicional colombiana.

Source: https://www.elespectador.com/turismo/recorridos-gastronomicos-experiencias-para-enriquecer-el-paladar/

5 recommendations to cancel or reschedule a trip, if you tested positive for COVID-19

Everything you need to know according to an expert in tourist rights to deal with travel agencies, airlines and hotels in case you have to suspend a trip due to the pandemic:

1. Keep calm without wasting time: “The first thing to do is not to lose your temper and organize yourself, you have to call one by one the tourist service providers that we have contracted, and the sooner we do it the better, that is why it is advisable not to let a day go by since I found out I have Covid-19,” Aramburu recommended.

In the cases in which a travel agency has been contracted, it will be necessary to contact it to request the cancellation of the services, whether they are flights, accommodation, among others.

2. Carefully read trade policies to know what to expect: "It is recommended that in cases where trade policy is at hand, it is consulted." Airlines often make their commercial cancellation policies available to users, letting users know what to expect when calling the company.

Some airlines allow a change without penalties, paying only the fare difference, if any. The modification must be made before the start date of the original trip and the destination could be modified as long as it belongs to the same flight network, that is:

“local destinations by destinations of the same type and regional/international by destinations of the same type”. In the case of accommodation, there is the possibility that you have a "flexible" reservation, a methodology that became popular due to the constant cancellations of flights and border restrictions, and that allows the traveler to modify their reservation without suffering penalties.

3. Call the providers of tourist, air and hotel services, communicate the cancellation and keep in mind the indicated options: "It is key to take a calm stance and clearly explain the impossibility of executing the trip, it is really a situation of force majeure and the tourist is not to blame," says Aramburu, but also adds that "it is not the fault of the provider, who also has to take care of your business."

What the expert means is that in the high season, tourist service providers usually have everything sold out, and if they receive a cancellation after the hour, they cannot return all the money, since it can represent a significant loss. That is why it is necessary to negotiate.

As for the airlines, there will be a commercial policy of the company that contemplates cancellations and rescheduling, the traveler will be able to communicate through official channels and choose between their options. Regarding accommodation and tourist providers in general, it will be each company that defines what type of arrangement is reached with the traveler. “This will be defined by multiple factors that are not enumerable”, explains Aramburu, the destination, the type of service, the possibility of reselling that place that will remain empty, are just some of them.

4. In case of disagreement: appeal to the administrative or judicial channels: If the traveler is not satisfied with any of the answers obtained from the tourist providers, they can choose to make a claim.

It should be consulted because legal means must make the request depending on the situation.

5. Right of repentance: Aramburu explained to Infobae that the "right of repentance" is a resource that can be used in a situation of this type, as long as the traveler has contracted the tourist service online and is within the first 10 days of contracting it. .

"In the case of a person who booked his vacation online for 10 days and got coronavirus, he can invoke the right of repentance to recover all the money he invested," explains the expert.

Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2022/01/02/cinco-recomendaciones-para-cancelar-o-reprogramar-tus-vacaciones-si-diste-positivo-de-covid-19/

What are the trends in corporate travel for 2022?

After the gradual reactivation of the crisis caused by the pandemic (covid-19), companies continue to recover and plan different trading sessions taking into account possible trends in corporate travel.

The new travel landscape is characterized by taking into account hygiene and health protocols, hailing a gradual, reliable and safe reactivation for the entire population that requires these services. According to a recent report by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), a professional association specialized in business travel worldwide, it is estimated that the global demand for corporate travel will increase by 38 % for this new year. Likewise, expenses associated with business trips will increase to reach 1.48 billion in 2024.

Miguel Ruiz, director of solutions consulting for Latin America and the Caribbean at SAP Concur, says that “it was thought that business travel would change forever or even disappear. Today, the strong trend that is evident is that businessmen want to move, because they know that there is more option to close commercial agreements in person”. That is why 5 essential factors are exposed for this corporate travel process:

1. Trust, as the main factor:

The numerous waves of contagion of covid-19 have generated many doubts regarding the safety of travelers during flights and stays in other destinations. However, airlines are directing more and more efforts towards the implementation of efficient hygiene and protection measures aligned with the well-being of passengers. In this way, everything indicates that the structuring of increasingly safer trips tends to be perpetuated over time, at least until the world reaches a good level of immunization.

2. Sustainability in processes:

The search for more sustainable processes has reached the corporate travel environment, not only because companies are becoming aware of their responsibility in terms of environmental preservation, but also because of market issues.

3. Technology in the implementation of trips:

The adoption of technologies that promote a leap in the performance of travelers, saving resources and maximizing results has become a critical point for corporate travel strategies.

4. Popular low-cost flights:

More and more businesses are surrendering to the efficiency and resource savings provided by low-cost flights. The airlines operating in this model have been characterized by offering cheaper prices, while at the same time being a safe transport alternative, since the aircraft meet all the requirements and regulations of the bodies that govern the sector.

5. The traveler experience is the priority:

Productivity is considered to be directly related to the professional's travel experience. under this perspective. New travellers, mainly millennials, prioritize not only the execution of their tasks and the best business deals for the company, but also taking advantage of the travel opportunity to learn more about the destination and, thus, have a complete and complete time management.

Source: https://www.elespectador.com/turismo/cuales-son-las-tendencias-en-viajes-corporativos-para-este-ano/

13 Adventure Trips for 2022

For 2022, adopt a different and unique purpose to plan your next trips, such as: Diving in French Polynesia, mountaineering in Japan or Kayaking in Norway. 

Of all the New Year's resolutions that really work and stick to the end, if you have the time and money, it's travel. It happens to you every year. What can you do as an alternative? Mark a vacation on the calendar and plan an adventurous trip. If you have nothing in mind, we recommend these 13 destinations that the AS public newspaper:

  • (1) Mountain biking through the Negev desert (Israel)

The Negev desert extends over 50 % of the territory of Israel and hides wonderful landscapes, historical relics and a rich Bedouin culture. One of the most magical and least known places in the Middle East. To explore it and enjoy its natural parks and its UNESCO World Heritage Sites, nothing better than a bicycle. it crosses the Israel Bike Trail which runs from the north in Hermon to the south, the coastal city of Eilat. Although signposted, there is only the southern section from Mitspe Ramon, in the middle of the Negev desert. Ravines, wadis, great dunes, canyons, Bedouin camps, starry skies and fellowship. More information: Israel Bike Trail.

  •  (2) Diving in Moorea (French Polynesia)

Tahiti's charming sister island, just opposite Papeete, boasts a spectacular, constantly choppy coastline, white-sand beaches, and a beautiful lagoon. The paradigm of paradise, especially for those who enjoy hiking, surfing or diving. The lagoon has two main passes, Taotahi and Avamotu, with a multitude of fish in conspicuous livery. In the area known as Napoleon's Plain, divers can see wrasse up to 40 kg in weight. Not far from Hook Bay, famous for hosting a migratory population of humpback whales, there is a dive site with large galano sharks. Más información: Moorea Top Dive.

  •  (3) Skiing in Sölden (Austria)

The Austrian station is famous for its world championships, glaciers and high mountain landscapes. Sölden is the star resort of the Austrian Alps, the one that opens first, the one that kicks off the alpine competition season with the Audi FIS, the one that connects 3 three thousand peaks with funiculars of the 250 three thousand that border the domain and the one that allows skiing on the two largest glaciers in Austria: the Rettenbach and Tiefenbach. An inescapable thing is to eat on the ice Q, 3050 meters above the top of the Gaislachkogl, the setting for the spectacular 007 film Spectra, and ski down a narrow and steep red slope. that in sections unfolds in black, until the foot of the cable car in Sölden, 1722 meters of difference in level and 10 km in length. More information: Soelden.

  •  (4) Faroe Islands trekking

The Faroe Islands are a true theme park for outdoor sports. I recommend hiking through the Krosstindur mountain, on the island of Vagar. A gentle climb with the picturesque town of Sandavagur on the back and the sea hitting the cliffs from which a 313-meter-high rock separates, the Trøllkonufingur, the "witch's finger", which has only been climbed twice in the history. The difficulty of this route is the gusts of wind that hit in all directions, especially on the crest of the mountain, which in sections only offers 70 cm width. The vision is beautiful and at the same time terrifying, with the sea on its east side and the valley on the west. And on both sides a fall of about five hundred meters. It is not the length of the ridge or the steepness of the terrain that makes the route disturbing, but without a doubt one of the most grateful scenes that a photographer or a mountain lover can find. More information: Faroe Islands

  •  (5) Surfing in Fuerteventura

The good thing about the Canary Islands is that each of its seven islands has something special, none is the same as another. In terms of surfing, Fuerteventura is known as "Hawaii Europe", with 150 km of coastline and endless beaches (the big island of Hawaii has 428 km but fewer beaches due to its volcanic activity), waiting to be enjoyed. Piedra Playa in El Cotillo, north of Fuerteventura, is a spectacular beach that has magnificent waves to learn in summer. The waves, left and right, do not always break perfectly, but the sand bottoms give several peaks. In winter the waves are bigger and more powerful, great fun for experienced surfers. El Cotillo first receives the waves from the Atlantic, but there are always waves for all levels at one point or another on the island. 

  •  (6) Mountaineering in Daisetsuzan National Park (Japan)

The park is home to the Asahidake, Tomuraush peaks or the Tokachi and Ishikari mountain ranges, the latter being the only non-volcanic one. The native Ainus call it "The playground of the gods". The average height is 2,000 meters, but due to the northern latitude, the mountains rival higher but southern ones. Points of interest are the Sounkyo and Tenninkyo gorges with walls over 100 meters high formed by polygonal columns, and the Tokachi-Mitsumata Sea of Trees, a volcanic caldera 10 km in circumference and 30,000 years old colonized by a forest wonderful mixed deciduous and evergreen trees. In winter, skiing in Asahidake is doing it in the best powder snow on the planet, without question, in the middle of a magical landscape. More information: Daisetsuzan.

  • (7) Mountain biking in Lapland (Finland)

Urho Kekkonen is the second largest protected area in Finland, probably the cleanest nature in Europe, because of its skies there are no air routes. A rocky ridge forged during the last ice age, which runs from Raututunturi to Saariselkä, gives character to the park with snow-covered gorges even in the summer and scree of large rocks formed by granulite. In some hills these rocks raise prodigious formations. And all this escorted by extensive heaths. The southwestern part of the park is covered by large swamps that are refuges for numerous birds. The south is characterized by being that sea of pine forests and spruce forests where the hills rise like islands. And at the southeastern end is an imposing canyon, the Nuorttijoki. There is the Kiilopää Fell Center MTB center that has all kinds of bikes and sizes. The cycling centers in the area usually have fat bikes because they are more suitable for winter with all the snowy trails. The trails are lined with spruce and pine forests, with clear streams and tundra vegetation growing on the ridges of the hills. They are the domain of the brown bear, the king of the Lappish forest, and of the wolves, but the easy thing is that you will find groups of reindeer. However, birds are boring, the park is home to more than 130 species of birds in summer, from eagles to royal finches. More information: Kiilopaa.

  •  (8) Kayaking Alesund (Norway)

Alesund, the largest city in the Sunnmore region, famous for its cod exports, its fantastic center with the largest number of Art Nouveau buildings in Europe, and for being the outdoor capital of Norway. Founded in the Viking Age, it suffered a devastating fire that almost completely destroyed all its wooden buildings in 1904, so the city was rebuilt with granite and marble, raising beautiful buildings. In the heart of the city is the Brosundet marina, a marina that looks like a movie set, lined with colorful buildings, a promenade, fishing and sports boats and the Utenguiden adventure company. Uteguiden offers kayak routes that range from two hours around the channels of the archipelago that forms the islands, to authentic multi-day adventures where kayaking is combined with hiking through the Hjørundfjorden fjord. After 50 km through the fjord, you reach Urke, about 50 km away, where you camp and the next morning climb to the summit of Mount Saksa among spectacular mountains and waterfalls. More information: Uteguiden.

  •  (9) Surfing in Somo (Cantabria)

The City Council of Ribamontán al Mar, which encompasses the mythical Somo beach, has made every effort to promote surfing, integrating it perfectly into its landscape and using it to protect its greatest treasure, the natural environment. It is not in vain that it is the first City Council to declare its beaches an integral surfing reserve. Somo is one of the benchmark surf spots in Cantabria and one of the most consistent beaches in Spain, because it faces the open sea and receives good left and right waves that break on the beach throughout the year. In fact, if there are no waves in Somo, you probably won't find waves in all of northern Spain. But what you will surely find there is everything you need to experience the sport and culture of surfing. More information: Surf at all costs.

  •  (10) Cycling Pyrenees (Spain and France)

The Great Crossing of the Pyrenees is a circuit that winds through mythical mountain passes and impressive landscapes. It runs through the Añisclo canyon, one of the secret jewels of the Pyrenees, and the Route of the Lakes-Néouvielle National Reserve, Saint-Lary: An asphalt snake that leads to a mosaic of very blue mountain lakes between rhododendron meadows and pine forests. This route can be done with MTB bikes, and it was one of the queen stages of the 2018 Tour. The route also runs through the mythical Tourmalet pass, Pic Du Midi where you can enjoy spectacular views or the Cirque de Gavarnie, World Heritage Site. Humanity, with walls that can reach 1,500 meters in height and sixteen 3,000-meter peaks that surround it. All these wonders and a few more for 7 days for 500 euros. More information: road-trip

  •  (11) Ski Touring in Aletsch Arena (Switzerland)

The station begins at the summit of the Moosfluh, from which the impressive Aletsch glacier can be seen, and which extends down the slope, dividing into tongues between the traditional wooden alpine houses of the village and disappearing into the larch and pine forests. Few stations have such a spectacular environment, nestled in the almost virgin European nature and with so much charm. The best option for those who enjoy virgin snow, adrenaline and nature. In the domain of the Aletsch Arena, mountain schools and sports clubs can be hired for expeditions, for one or several days, led by high mountain guides through the peaks of the canton of Valais and down slopes that no one has trodden. The technical or physical level required varies according to the expeditions, the UNESCO ski tour is recommended: 4 days through the valley of the Binntal Natural Park with ascent to the Stockhorn (2612 m.), Gandhorn (2467 m) and Schinhorn (2939 m.) ) and descent down its slopes to the valley. More information: Aletsch Arena.

  •  (12) Diving in Tenerife

The quantity and diversity of fauna, extravagant underwater geological formations, interesting wrecks, conditions for diving and tourist quality, make the Canary Islands one of the best destinations in the world for diving. Between each of the islands there are notable differences both in species and in types of bottoms. In general, the small island platform stands out, reaching great depths a short distance from the coast, a water temperature that ranges between 17 and 24 degrees throughout the year, transparent waters that can exceed 40 meters of visibility, and a flora and fauna representative of the Mediterranean and North Atlantic, including some tropical and subtropical species. Of the 117 registered dives (Diving in the Canary Islands, 2014), a large part of them are carried out in the southern part of the island, specifically in the municipality of Arona from the Marina Las Galletas or Puerto de Los Cristianos. From there the most demanded "hot spots" or dives are La Cueva de Los Camarones and El Bufadero where you can enjoy an abundant fauna, such as various species of rays, garden eels, roosters (ballista fish), moray eels and even turtles. More information: Diving in Tenerife.

  •  (13) Ski adventure in Svalbard (Norway)

Svalbard, located 1300 km south of the North Pole is the domain of the great white bear, one of the most extravagant destinations in Norway. Gigantic glacier tongues bordered by threatening peaks, where you can't see a tree and everything on the horizon is an extensive desert of snow. In the Svalbard expeditions you learn to ski in all types of snow, how to move in the arctic environment, how to behave outdoors and how to set up a camp for the night. Svalbard Wildlife Expedition proposes to explore and camp in Bolterskaret, an area with no snowmobile traffic between Soleitoppen, Gilsonriggen and Foxtoppen peaks. A fantastic completely wild environment and domain of polar bears. In fact, each member of the expedition must keep watch at night to alert if a polar bear approaches the camp, although encounters are not frequent. More information: Svalbard.

Source: https://as.com/opinion/2021/12/30/blogs/1640858114_845934.html

How the world of travel deals with the Omicron variant

International travel is once again facing the COVID-19 panorama with the new variant, thus modifying the restrictions as more information about it becomes known. 

All in order to control the global waves of contagion, some countries such as Brazil, the United States and the Europeans prohibited entry from countries in South Africa where there is a report of the beginning of this variant, in the same way they rethink the entry requirements . Others like Israel that totally close their borders for foreign tourism, How is the situation of the restrictions from Ómicron?.


Currently, entry restrictions to the European Union are based on an epidemiological classification criterion of the country of origin. For now - the list is reviewed every two weeks - so technically people can enter the European Union beyond their vaccination status for the time being.

However, each member state has the power to define its own restrictions, so it is important to check the requirements of each country. 


Although due to the escalation of infections, the United States recently raised the alert level, tourists can enter the country as long as they meet some requirements: full vaccination certificate (depending on whether it is a single dose or two doses) at least 14 days before the trip ; and everyone over 2 years of age must present a negative antigen or PCR test done no more than 24 hours before, the US accepts all vaccines approved by the FDA and WHO, including combinations of those vaccines. 

Latin America:

According to the information collected by an 80% from the destinations, they require a negative PCR 24 to 72 hours before starting the trip (check the requirements before making or scheduling the trip), the complete or partial vaccination certificate is also required in very specific cases , that is why the requirements up to the date of publication are as follows:

Argentina - Foreigners who want to enter for tourist reasons must present a complete vaccination schedule, a negative PCR taken a maximum of 72 hours before the trip and health insurance that covers COVID-19, and 48 hours before the trip. an affidavit from the page of Migration Argentina. 

Brazil - International tourists must present a negative Covid test carried out 72 hours if it is a PCR or 24 hours before if it is Antigens, minors between 2 and 12 years old are exempt from the requirement if they travel accompanied. Also printed or electronic proof of the vaccination certificate whose application of the last dose is before 14 days, and the traveler's health declaration (DSV).

Chili - It is one of the regions where it has the greatest number of requirements to enter the country, such as: 

– Complete vaccination schedule, previously approved from mevacuno.gob.cl (keep in mind that this request may take 15 to 30 days).

– Negative PCR taken 72 hours before the trip from 2 years onwards. 

– Complete the Online form (Sworn Declaration for Travelers) 48 hours before the trip and save the QR code for verification. 

– A PCR test must be carried out as soon as it arrives in the country and it must be isolated for 6 to 12 hours until the negative result is obtained, this must be done in a hotel or declared address.

Colombia -  Meanwhile, in Colombia, in accordance with Resolution 2052 of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transportation, it is mandatory to enter the country to have the vaccination scheme against Covid-19. Only Colombians, as an exception, will be able to enter with the vaccination scheme started, with a negative Covid PCR test taken a maximum of 72 hours before traveling. 

Los colombianos pueden ingresar sin certificado de vacunación con una prueba PCR negativa. Esta medida es únicamente para mayores de 18 años. Adicionalmente, seguirá vigente el requisito del prerregistro de migración Colombia en la página https://apps.migracioncolombia.gov.co/pre-registro/public/preregistro.jsf , si es extranjero sin esquema de vacunación, no se le permitirá ingresar al País.

Ecuador – Since the emergence of the omicron variant, the country's entry requirements have been tightened since December 1, all those over 16 years of age who enter the country by air, land or sea must present:

– Complete vaccination card. 

– Negative result of a PCR before 72 hours of travel. 

– Children between 2 and 16 years old must present a negative PCR. 

– Everyone must complete the traveler's health declaration. 

Mexico - It continues to confirm its status as a rare bird in the pandemic scenario. It has been one of the few countries to keep its borders always open and without demanding particular requirements to enter the country, although foreign visitors do not need to present negative PCR results to enter the country, many hotel chains are aware of the average to enter to other countries and offer the test taking service for their clients either free of charge for their stay or at an additional cost.

Peru - since the news of the variant the entry requirements were updated, as of December 9 they took the following measures: 

– They must present the complete vaccination certificate for all those over 12 years of age. 

– Submit a PCR taken within 72 hours of the trip. 

– For those under 12 years of age, the condition is not to present any symptoms of Covid-19 

– On the other hand, three days before arriving in Peru it is mandatory to complete a virtual health affidavit and geolocation authorization for a period of 14 days. 

– The social immobilization schedules filed in some provinces of Peru must be respected. 

It should be noted that Brazil, Chile, Paraguay are prohibited access to foreigners who have visited South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini (Swaziland), Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Namibia, 14 days before. Paraguay includes Malawi, Zambia and Angola on its list, but the time is 10 days instead of two weeks.


1. https://www.cronista.com/internacionales/variante-omicron-y-viajes-vacunas-test-y-todo-hay-que-saber-para-la-temporada/

2. https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/newsroom/news/nuevas-medidas-ingresar-colombia-aerea-diciembre-2021

3. https://colombia.ladevi.info/requisitos/el-rompecabezas-los-requisitos-viaje-latinoamerica-n36125

8 incredible places to travel in 2022

What are the best places to travel in 2022? It is one of the questions that Vogue made to various experts in hospitality and tourism.

Where some are traditional destinations that have opened new hotels and others are places that seek to become a fashionable attraction, here are the 8 places that the magazine describes as the places that will be trending in this new year: 

  • (1) Napa Valley: Located at the southern end of the Napa Valley, the city of Napa has long been a jumping-off point for access to California's wine regions. Today it is a perfect destination for travelers passionate about the world of wine.

A good way to learn about the region's history is to visit museums like the Napa Valley Museum in Yountville, the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum in St. Helena, and the Sharpsteen Museum in Calistoga. Also admire the art in the streets of Napa, where you will see 15 colorful sculptures in various places.

  • (2)Paris: It is a city that seems designed for the enjoyment of the traveler. Its streets, squares, buildings, gardens and monuments seem designed so that anyone who visits Paris wants to return. Visiting the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe or the Notre Dame Cathedral, going to a cabaret show at the mythical Moulin Rouge, or strolling through some of the most picturesque neighborhoods of the city such as Montmartre or Montparnasse, are some of the experiences that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy.
  • (3)Romania: It is in full development. It enjoys a variety of natural beauties to enjoy, such as mountains, mud volcanoes, beaches, seas, salt water, hot springs, the Danube delta, caves and very picturesque spas. Visitors can also delight in culture by visiting its medieval towns and monasteries or enjoying the folklore of each region.
  • (4)Merida, Mexico: The Yucatan Peninsula is a part of Mexico that stands out for many things. Beaches, cenotes, nature and fauna in its purest form, archaeological sites, gastronomy and a city. "The White City" is distinguished for being a city full of peace, quiet and for its friendly and hospitable people. It is the ideal place for those who want to spend a vacation in a relaxed atmosphere and with a warm climate.
  • (5)Easter Island: Due to its natural beauty and traditions, Easter Island or Rapa Nu is one of the most attractive places in the world. It is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, forming part of the continent of Oceania, but at the same time being part of the insular territory of Chile. It is especially important that the native culture, or Easter Island, is still developed in it. The locals still preserve and practice the customs of their ancestors, highlighting the Moais raised hundreds of years ago, which are still standing and are highly protected.
  • (6)Grenade: It is located in the extreme south of Spain. It has access to the Mediterranean Sea and many mountainous areas, as it is crossed by the Cordillera Penibética. In addition to the world famous Alhambra and the Albaicin district, designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Granada has a Renaissance cathedral whose construction began in the 16th century. Many other monuments dot the city in each of its corners.
  • (7) Antarctica: Tourism to the sixth continent grows every year, within the limits imposed by the high price of the trip, the climatic conditions, the fragility of the ecosystem, the necessary coexistence with the scientific and strategic projects of the white continent... and sanity. There are more and more possibilities as simple travelers to visit some corners of this enormous white forest sculpted by snow, ice, water and rock.
  • (8)Okavango Delta: It is a unique place on Earth with very special characteristics and has become a benchmark for travelers interested in the wildest nature. We can find this place in the northwest of Botswana and be amazed by its beauty. It is an unusual delta because it is not formed by a river that empties into the sea. Actually, we can consider it an alluvial fan that occurs because the Okavango River flows into the desert and not into the sea, as we usually see

Source: https://www.vogue.mx/estilo-de-vida/articulo/mejores-destinos-para-viajar-en-2022

Do you want to take a different trip? These are some of the strangest routes on the planet

We are always looking for something different and thanks to all the variety of destinations that we have available, that dream can be achieved. Having a different photograph, eating a unique dish or meeting new people with different customs is something valuable to remember and tell after a trip. 

According to the article published in Confidencial by AN, these are some of the sites that you can visit if you are looking for a different and unique adventure. 

We are always looking for something different and thanks to all the variety of destinations that we have available, that dream can be achieved. Having a different photograph, eating a unique dish or meeting new people with different customs is something valuable to remember and tell after a trip. 

According to the article published in Confidencial by AN, these are some of the sites that you can visit if you are looking for a different and unique adventure. 

  • Waitomo Caves (New Zealand): They are located in Waitomo, New Zealand. They are caves of calcareous rock that form caves that have as a major feature the existence of a luminous worm on the ceiling of the caves. The luminous worm is the larva of the Arachnocampa luminosa insect, which emits a bright light with which it attracts its prey, bringing it closer to a mucous thread in which the attracted insect remains stuck with which the worm withdraws the thread and catches its prey.
  • Hell's Gate (Turkmenistan): But what was in the subsoil was an immense field of natural gas that collapsed creating a huge crater, swallowing the platform and its camp.

Fearing the spread of the lethal methane gas, the scientists set the crater on fire, creating a hellish pit right below its feet.

  • Area 51 in the United States: In the southern region of Nevada, about 133 kilometers northwest of Las Vegas, you can visit the mysterious Area 51 (although, of course, you will not be able to cross the top-secret base). But many people venture to travel the so-called Extraterrestrial Highway (Extraterrestrial Highway), famous for the alleged and frequent UFO sightings.
  • Aoshima, the island of cats (Japan): The small island of Aoshima, located in southern Japan, has attracted the attention of tourists from all over the world. The great peculiarity of this place is that it is inhabited by more than 120 felines.

The first cats arrived to fight a plague of mice that was on the island and on the fishing boats. These animals began to reproduce and ended up populating the entire place. Currently this is one of the areas in the world with the most cats per square meter.

Today this island is inhabited by only 20 people, since most of the population migrated after World War II to seek job opportunities. The few people that remain are old, they are older, many houses are abandoned and in others only cats live. 

Source: https://www.elconfidencial.com/viajes/2021-11-30/rutas-raras-planeta-viajar-vacaciones_3332626/

Learn about the seven travel trends of Colombians for 2022

Booking revealed the results of its study 'Travel Predictions 2022 ′, a survey in which the travel platform consulted more than 24,000 people from 31 countries -including Colombia-, to know what the trends of travelers are for 2022. In the case of Colombians, there are seven, among which The interest in knowing new places and the need to be in spaces that contribute to their peace of mind stand out.

1. Wellness and travel

Colombians in 2022 plan to turn vacations as a form of personal self-care and that is why the fundamental thing is the mental and emotional part, for this that destinations with a space of tranquility and calm will be the best selection. 

2. Take a break from teleworking

Although teleworking has several positive points, they also tend to generate a routine that is specifically linked to the home or the place that we consider to be of rest, that is why changing the environment becomes a priority for the next holiday season and any of national or international destinations help you get out of the routine.  

3. Travel as if it were the first time

According to the Booking research, a 6% of the Colombians surveyed expressed that those who most wait is the beginning of the trip, while a 78% stated that "they enjoy more when the trip itself is part of the vacation."

4. Community tourism

In 2022, Colombians not only plan to enjoy their travels more and rest from work, but also seek to support local tourism throughout Colombia. According to the metasearch study, the 69% of national travelers indicated that for the crossings they make next year, they will take into account that each one of them benefits the community of the destination.

5. New faces and places

“Travelers are expected to use their vacations as an opportunity to broaden their social circle, because a 79% from the traveling community is eager to socialize on their travels,” said Booking research.

6. Say "yes" and go with the flow

“After hearing 'no' for so long, in 2022 people want a more positive mindset. In fact, a 63% is going to completely change everything that he had chosen before and now he is going to prefer a flexible holiday in which it is better to let go instead of having a well-organized itinerary full of activities ”, revealed the Booking study.

7. Accept the unpredictable

The latest trend for Colombians for travel in 2022 will be to accept anything that may happen, because with the pandemic still in the world, everything can change overnight. In this way, the 75% of the Colombians indicated that it will look for services that suggest which destinations to travel to, depending on the restrictions of the place where it is located and where it will go.

Source: https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/11/27/conozca-las-siete-tendencias-de-viaje-de-los-colombianos-para-2022/

Travel in and out of the country after the COVID-19 pandemic

What you need to know

  •                    Postpone your trip until you are fully vaccinated.
  •                    Check the COVID-19 situation at your destination before you travel. State, local, and territorial governments may have travel restrictions in place.
  •                    It is mandatory to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth in closed areas of public transportation (including airplanes) and within transportation hubs (including airports).
  •                    Do not travel if you have been exposed to COVID-19, are ill, or have a positive COVID-19 test.
  •                    If you are not fully vaccinated and must travel, get screened before and after the trip.

Before travelling: 

  • Check the current COVID-19 situation at your destination.
  • It is important that you are aware of and follow all state, local, and territorial travel restrictions, including requirements for the use of masks, vaccination certificates, screening tests, or quarantine. 
  • If you are traveling by plane, check if your airline requires documentation of screening tests, vaccination or other documents.
  • Be prepared to be flexible during your trip as restrictions and policies may change during your trip.
  • If you are NOT fully vaccinated, take a viral test 1 to 3 days before you travel.

During the trip

  • Mask use: in most destinations Wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose is mandatory in enclosed spaces of public transportation (including airplanes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation)
  • Follow all state and local health recommendations and requirements for your duty station, including wearing a mask and keeping a distance of 6 feet (2 meters) from other people.
  • Travelers 2 years of age and older should wear masks in closed public places if: 
  • In areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases In areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases with other people who do not have the full vaccination schedule, such as a festival or outdoor sporting event.
  • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60 % of alcohol).

After traveling

You may have been exposed to COVID-19 on your travels. You may feel fine and have no symptoms, but you can still spread the virus and spread it to other people. People who are not fully vaccinated are more likely to contract COVID-19 and spread it to other people. For this reason, the CDC recommends taking the following precautions after returning from a trip.

ALL travelers


  • Be attentive to the appearance of symptoms of COVID-19; Isolate yourself and get screened for an external site icon if you have symptoms.
  • Follow all state and local recommendations or requirements after your trip.

If you are NOT fully vaccinated


Serve a quarantine and get screened after the trip:

  • Get a viral test 3 to 5 days after you return. 
  • Stay home in quarantine for 7 daysfull after traveling, evenif your test result is negative after 3-5 days.
  • If you don't get a screening test, stay home quarantined for 10 days after traveling.

Fuente: https://espanol.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/travel-during-covid19.html




• Authorization of minors to travel
Necessary when a minor travels abroad without his father.
• Travel dossier
Do not forget to travel with the Planning Day and the pdf of the guide.
• Driving license
Generally, the Spanish driving license is accepted.
• Electronic tickets
We recommend bringing several copies of the main pages.
• Travel insurance
Carry a copy of the policy in your wallet.
• Ticket reservations
Be sure to pack your booking confirmation and invoice.
• Hotel / Address vouchers
They can ask you at immigration control for your hotel details.
• Cash / credit cards
Put some euros in your wallet for the return.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.