The best diving destination in the Caribbean and Atlantic for 2021 is Curaçao; place chosen by Scuba Diving Magazine.

Almost 6,000 divers participating in the Reader Choice Awards of the 28th annual Scuba Diving Maganzine diving magazine where Curaçao was named the best dive destination. 

Diving in addition to many attractions that it has and being so outstanding I win in many additional categories such as: best dive operators, macro life, wreck diving, cavern, cave and grotto, land diving and snorkeling, diving for beginners and best value .

This wonderful destination that will always have its tourist arms extended to receive you and above all to fill your life with colors in each step you take through its streets and beaches.

Colombia, Viajando. (2020). Curazao: mejor destino de buceo del Caribe y el Atlántico, de Viajando Colombia website:



Anato (The Colombian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies) highlights that the significant fall in the dollar is a great opportunity for the recovery of outbound tourism and whoever wishes to schedule their trips to international destinations with the intention of visiting family, friends or meeting may do so at a better price.

Según Migración Colombia y Anato estas son las cifras de las salidas de los colombianos:

  • Migración Colombia dice: Enero a Septiembre de 2020 salieron del país 948.319 Colombianos.
  • En Septiembre con la reapertura Salieron 17.365
  • Los destinos hacia donde más vuelos se registran son: Estados Unidos, con 297.163; México, con 101.983; España, con 96.291; Panamá, con 79.930; Ecuador, con 70.083, Chile, con 38.878, Perú, con 37.382; Canadá, con 22.407; Brasil, con 22.043; y Argentina, con 20.515.

Los Colombianos están viajando al exterior desde la nueva reactivación en el Aeropuerto el Dorado y con el dólar bajando más las opciones que una agencia de viajes le puede ofrecer podrá disfrutar de distintas alternativas.

Colombia, LA de V. (2020). Para Anato, la caída del dólar favorece al turismo emisivo. Recuperado 10 de Noviembre de 2020, sitio web de La Agencia de viajes:


El director de Epidemiologia y Demografía Julián Fernández Niño, señalo que la modificación se hace mediante una resolución que establece que “los requisitos previos al vuelo son, en primera medida, no presentar fiebre o síntomas respiratorios asociados al covid-19. De igual manera, se impedirá el abordaje a aquellos viajeros que no hayan diligenciado previamente la aplicación CheckMig”.

Adicional y por la no solicitud de esta prueba PCR las aerolíneas están en la obligación de informar a los pasajeros que lleguen a nuestro país que serán objeto de seguimiento por parte de su asegurador, secretaría de Salud o a través del Centro de contacto Nacional de Rastreo (CCNR).

Colombia, L. A. de V. (2020). Colombia eliminó la prueba PCR para ingresar a su territorio. Recuperado 04 de Noviembre de 2020, de La Agencia de viajes website:


In the tourism bill, the legislative body made the modifications to the text and included them in the presentation for the first debate.

The modification of the tourism law continues, where the senators and representatives of the sixth commission of the Senate of the Republic and the House of Representatives filed the presentation for the first debate of the project (law No. 281 Senate and No. 403 Chamber of 2020).

This new presentation includes concepts, visions and contributions from companies, unions, communities, associations and other actors in the tourism sector.

Colombia, LA de V. (2020). Tourism law is the presentation and the first debate arrives. Retrieved October 20, 2020, from The Travel Agency website:


In the new normal and with the gradual resumption of tourism in Colombia, Cartagena has become the safest and most responsible place for national and foreign travelers.

Cartagena de Inidias un lugar próximo a cumplir 209 años de independencia el próximo 11 de noviembre es reconocido como uno de los 25 mejores destinos del mundo por TripAdvisor. Desde el 9 de Octubre de 2021, el Aeropuerto Internacional Rafael Núñez puso a disposición un laboratorio para que los viajeros puedan practicarse la prueba PCR frente al Covid 19, convirtiéndose en una de las primeras terminales aéreas en ofrecer este servicio.

Este destino cuenta con un sinfín de actividades en donde por supuesto aplican todos los protocolos de bioseguridad. Todo Cartagena espera con los brazos abiertos a sus visitantes.

Colombia, L. A. de V. (2020). Cartagena, destino predilecto en la nueva normalidad . Recuperado 22 de octubre de 2020, de La Agencia de viajes website:


The Anato 2021 tourist showcase will take place from February 24 to 26, 2021 and will have all the biosafety protocols.

It will take place from February 24 to 26, 2021 at the Bogotá International Business and Exhibition Center (Corferias) and will have a series of special biosafety measures. This was confirmed by Paula Cortés Calle, president of the Colombian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies (ANATO).

In the 40th edition, Bogotá-Cundinamarca will participate as a national guest of honor destination, and is currently still in the review process to decide the guest country. Anato's tourist showcase will allow:

- Reactivate the industry through commercial agreements between the participating companies and entrepreneurs.

- News and new business opportunities can be made known, having the best negotiation possibilities at hand.

- An important effect of the companies before the professional visitors who are present, consolidating the positioning of the participating brands.

Tourism continues to be an industry of great potential in the world and of great resilience.

Colombia, LA de V. (2020). Anato tourist showcase, it will be a sure event. Retrieved October 5, 2020, from The Travel Agency website:




• Authorization of minors to travel
Necessary when a minor travels abroad without his father.
• Travel dossier
Do not forget to travel with the Planning Day and the pdf of the guide.
• Driving license
Generally, the Spanish driving license is accepted.
• Electronic tickets
We recommend bringing several copies of the main pages.
• Travel insurance
Carry a copy of the policy in your wallet.
• Ticket reservations
Be sure to pack your booking confirmation and invoice.
• Hotel / Address vouchers
They can ask you at immigration control for your hotel details.
• Cash / credit cards
Put some euros in your wallet for the return.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.