In Europe they open the possibility for travelers with full vaccination doses. Additionally, it should be noted that they only accept some in particular.

As of July 1, they will launch the green digital certificate, renamed the EU COVID Digital Certification. With this “card” people will be able to demonstrate that they have received the full doses of the vaccines, that they have undergone a PCR or have recovered from the disease; they will be able to transit through Europe.

The vaccines accepted to date by the EU (European Union) are:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech
  • Modern
  • AstraZeneca
  • Janseen

The vaccines accepted to date by the WHO (World Health Organization) are:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech
  • Modern
  • AstraZeneca
  • Janseen
  • Sinopharm

However, authorization for Sputnik V vaccines from Russia and Sinovac from China are under study.

It is important to keep an eye on the update of vaccines accepted by the EU and WHO to make your trips to some destinations with complete peace of mind.


The travel agency Colombia. What are the currently accepted vaccines to enter Europe? from Ladevi website:


Due to the third peak of the pandemic in Colombia, Anato's tourist showcase will be postponed.

Actualmente en Colombia se está atravesando por un tercer pico de pandemia; teniendo en cuenta que Bogotá es una de las ciudades afectadas por el rebrote, tomaron la decisión de aplazar la fecha de este evento que seria llevado a cabo en Corferias.

Las nuevas fechas para el evento presencial serán del 16 al 18 de junio de 2021. Por parte de la VITRINA TURÍSTICA esperan seguir contando con la participación de todas las empresas que en su momento ya habían confirmado.

Para más información podrán ingresar a:


LA AGENCIA DE VIAJES COLOMBIA. La vitrina Turística Anato se reporgramó para junio. de Ladevi website:

The new message that Colombia seeks to give to the world

ProColombia presented the new manifesto that will identify the country and will be called “Colombia, the most welcoming country in the world”.

Through Country Brand, the campaign "Colombia, the most welcoming country in the world" will seek to recognize the destination as the best for tourism and business.

The objective of this campaign is: "Making a foreigner feel at home is something easy to achieve in Colombia, since warmth, service and empathy are part of the DNA of this country and one of its inhabitants is home," he explained. Flavia Santoro, president of ProColombia.

This important long-term message will become the means to promote the country internationally and the impact will be measured through investment, international travelers, exports of non-mining energy products and services.


THE COLOMBIA TRAVEL AGENCY. The new message that Colombia seeks to give to the world. from Ladevi website:


An attractive destination for its nature, history, gastronomy and above all the hotel offer. In times of Covid-19 and biosecurity, this destination cares a lot about its travelers, making sure that the places that provide services comply fully with each of the measures.

This spectacular destination offers the concept of glamping, a space that combines luxury tourism and nature tourism, ideal for resting and clearing your mind. Additionally, there they will be able to witness the Páramo de Mejué, Cerro las 3 Cruces, Cerro de la Vieja or Laguna de Caño Fistol. Ideal if you are a lover of Rappel, ancestral reconnection and sound travel.


THE COLOMBIA TRAVEL AGENCY. FONTUR. Fam press in Chinácota, Norte de Santander. from Ladevi website:


Regarding the new normal for the tourism industry, ProColombia reported on five key trends.

As a result of a report prepared from various studies, ProColombia determines 5 trends that will mark tourism during the year 2021, taking into account the security that travelers seek when choosing a destination.

During 2020 it is no secret that everything related to biosecurity increased by 100%, for that reason and for many other factors, tourism companies have been obtaining the biosafety seal "Certified check-in, COVID-19 biosecurity" in order generate SAFETY for users.

The trends according to ProColombia are:

  • Reservations with less advance: Travelers fear the restrictions that are constantly lived in destinations.
  • Security and Confidence: Every traveler wants to feel calm and they do it through attendance cards, cancellation dates without warnings and all the clear and concise information.
  • Quiet trips without itineraries that connect the traveler with the destination.
  • Nomad travel: Opportunity for countries to offer ideal destinations to work and travel at the same time.
  • Short holidays to avoid crowds.


THE COLOMBIA TRAVEL AGENCY. The five tourism trends in 2021, according to ProColombia, from Ladevi website:


Solve your doubts about the new measure imposed to enter Colombia from abroad.

There are many doubts that arise with the constant change of averages imposed by the Ministry of Health. This new measure is due to the increase in Covid-19 infections.

  1. What is the proof that you must present at the airport?

The most accurate test that they are demanding at the airport is PCR because it directly detects the genetic material of the virus. The results of this test can be known in 24 hours.

  1. To enter Colombia, must the PCR test be presented?

The Ministry of Health decreed that YES, a negative PCR test is already being required. All this measure is for people who come from abroad to our country. In this case, if a person does not have the test, they must state it and have the test done in Colombia immediately, as long as they keep a preventive isolation.

  1. What options does a passenger have if the PCR test cannot be performed at the location where they are located?

The passenger has two options: 1. Take the test in Colombia and carry a preventive isolation until the negative result of the test is obtained. 2. Carry out a preventive isolation of 14 days or during the term indicated by the health authority, in which case you choose not to do the test in Colombia.

  1. Who verifies that a passenger complies with preventive isolation?

Passenger information remains in the hands of the immigration system and will be managed by the Ministry of Health of the destination.

  1. How long should the test take?

The PCR test must be performed within 96 hours prior to the trip and its result must be negative for Covid-19.

  1. What other protocol should the traveler follow?

Fill out the pre-check-in form in the Check-Mig application before entering the immigration control posts to advance the exit or entry process to the country.

Access to the airport with a maximum of three hours before the flight.

  1. Since when is the PCR test mandatory?

The rule will take effect from January 12, 201. In the previous days, travelers are recommended to carry out preventive isolation for safety.


THE COLOMBIA TRAVEL AGENCY. PCR test: the ABC of the requirement to enter Colombia, from Ladevi website:


The next version to be held of the tourist showcase in person in Corferias.

En un inicio la vitrina número 40 se llevaría a cabo del 24 al 26 de febrero de 2021, pero La Asociación Colombiana de Agencias de Viajes y Turismo confirmó las nuevas fechas para la vitrina del 28 al 30 de abril de 2021. Anato ratificó que lo único que no cambia es que la vitrina seguirá siendo presencial y en Corferias, como ya es tradicional.

Este escenario turístico es muy reconocido en la región continental en donde empresarios del sector muestran y actualizan sus propuestas en productos y servicios de cara a la llegada de temporadas altas cuando las personas usualmente viajan más.

El evento que se llevará a cabo en abril del 2021 se espera que sea un gran empujón para la reactivación del sector turístico. Cabe resaltar que el evento presencial va de la mano del recinto ferial y de exposiciones Corferias, trabajando en conjunto para brindar todos los protocolos de bioseguridad.


Colombia, L. A. de V. (2020). Anato reprogramó la fecha de la Vitrina Turística 2021 website:


Anato and Migración Colombia tell us that departments such as Antioquia, Bogotá, Bolívar and Valle del Cauca were the preferred ones for foreign visitors during the tourist reactivation.

En estas visitas más de 40 mil extranjeros entre septiembre y octubre, implementando todas las medidas de bioseguridad visitaron los 4 departamentos. En poco tiempo es positivo para el turismo el seguir promoviendo paquetes atractivos para que disfruten con tranquilidad no solo estos destinos sino muchísimos más que tiene Colombia por ofrecer.

Dentro de otros datos curiosos los países de donde procedían los extranjeros son: 48,4% EEUU, 5,5 México, 3,6 Ecuador y 2,5% Perú.


Colombia, L. A. de V. (2020). Anato: los destinos preferidos de los visitantes extranjeros, de La Agencia de viajes website:


The best diving destination in the Caribbean and Atlantic for 2021 is Curaçao; place chosen by Scuba Diving Magazine.

Almost 6,000 divers participating in the Reader Choice Awards of the 28th annual Scuba Diving Maganzine diving magazine where Curaçao was named the best dive destination. 

Diving in addition to many attractions that it has and being so outstanding I win in many additional categories such as: best dive operators, macro life, wreck diving, cavern, cave and grotto, land diving and snorkeling, diving for beginners and best value .

This wonderful destination that will always have its tourist arms extended to receive you and above all to fill your life with colors in each step you take through its streets and beaches.

Colombia, Viajando. (2020). Curazao: mejor destino de buceo del Caribe y el Atlántico, de Viajando Colombia website:



Anato (The Colombian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies) highlights that the significant fall in the dollar is a great opportunity for the recovery of outbound tourism and whoever wishes to schedule their trips to international destinations with the intention of visiting family, friends or meeting may do so at a better price.

Según Migración Colombia y Anato estas son las cifras de las salidas de los colombianos:

  • Migración Colombia dice: Enero a Septiembre de 2020 salieron del país 948.319 Colombianos.
  • En Septiembre con la reapertura Salieron 17.365
  • Los destinos hacia donde más vuelos se registran son: Estados Unidos, con 297.163; México, con 101.983; España, con 96.291; Panamá, con 79.930; Ecuador, con 70.083, Chile, con 38.878, Perú, con 37.382; Canadá, con 22.407; Brasil, con 22.043; y Argentina, con 20.515.

Los Colombianos están viajando al exterior desde la nueva reactivación en el Aeropuerto el Dorado y con el dólar bajando más las opciones que una agencia de viajes le puede ofrecer podrá disfrutar de distintas alternativas.

Colombia, LA de V. (2020). Para Anato, la caída del dólar favorece al turismo emisivo. Recuperado 10 de Noviembre de 2020, sitio web de La Agencia de viajes:




• Authorization of minors to travel
Necessary when a minor travels abroad without his father.
• Travel dossier
Do not forget to travel with the Planning Day and the pdf of the guide.
• Driving license
Generally, the Spanish driving license is accepted.
• Electronic tickets
We recommend bringing several copies of the main pages.
• Travel insurance
Carry a copy of the policy in your wallet.
• Ticket reservations
Be sure to pack your booking confirmation and invoice.
• Hotel / Address vouchers
They can ask you at immigration control for your hotel details.
• Cash / credit cards
Put some euros in your wallet for the return.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.