Anato and Migración Colombia tell us that departments such as Antioquia, Bogotá, Bolívar and Valle del Cauca were the preferred ones for foreign visitors during the tourist reactivation.

En estas visitas más de 40 mil extranjeros entre septiembre y octubre, implementando todas las medidas de bioseguridad visitaron los 4 departamentos. En poco tiempo es positivo para el turismo el seguir promoviendo paquetes atractivos para que disfruten con tranquilidad no solo estos destinos sino muchísimos más que tiene Colombia por ofrecer.

Dentro de otros datos curiosos los países de donde procedían los extranjeros son: 48,4% EEUU, 5,5 México, 3,6 Ecuador y 2,5% Perú.


Colombia, L. A. de V. (2020). Anato: los destinos preferidos de los visitantes extranjeros, de La Agencia de viajes website:

Anato and Migración Colombia tell us that departments such as Antioquia, Bogotá, Bolívar and Valle del Cauca were the preferred ones for foreign visitors during the tourist reactivation.



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• Authorization of minors to travel
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• Travel dossier
Do not forget to travel with the Planning Day and the pdf of the guide.
• Driving license
Generally, the Spanish driving license is accepted.
• Electronic tickets
We recommend bringing several copies of the main pages.
• Travel insurance
Carry a copy of the policy in your wallet.
• Ticket reservations
Be sure to pack your booking confirmation and invoice.
• Hotel / Address vouchers
They can ask you at immigration control for your hotel details.
• Cash / credit cards
Put some euros in your wallet for the return.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.