We work in the organization of your Event to make the feelings of belonging that your Company seeks to transmit to each of its collaborators a reality, making use of the capacity we have to negotiate with air, land, hotel and other providers.

Benefits in events with Aeroviajes Pacífico

We put at your disposal the experience of 33 years in the management of Groups and Conventions.
  1. We work hand in hand to organize the best travel proposal adjusted to your budget; and we ensure it with highly qualified, trained, documented and commercially trained professional personnel to make each trip a unique and unforgettable experience.

  2. Extensive geographical, tourist, cultural and social knowledge worldwide to make each destination the right place according to the need of each event.

  3. More than being a provider of tourist services, we work to be your strategic ally every day.

  4. Always focused on providing the best personalized service in each event.

Incentive trips

It is a unique opportunity to provide motivation, for which we do our best to help companies to be more successful in meeting their objectives, achieving maximum satisfaction and recognizing those who with their effort achieved the goal.

Sales Convention

Have the necessary experience to coordinate even the smallest detail in the realization of your sales convention, rooms and spaces, food and drinks, audiovisual aids, technology, travel, parties and others will be treated in great detail so that everything goes as it is. hopes, and the results are satisfactory for both organizers and participants.

Corporate events

Each event organized by the client represents a challenge for us, in the understanding that it is a unique and different motivation, you can count on all our experience and knowledge.

Pedagogical outputs

We provide our support, experience and advice before or during each pedagogical outing, field work or school excursion, so that they can lead to success in an experiential, experiential and pleasant way to assimilate each one of them.

Familiar groups

Traveling as a family is the perfect opportunity to experience the fascinating world that surrounds us together while enjoying quality time. Let us plan your trip with ideas and suggestions for itineraries that we can develop, thinking that you can enjoy a special vacation. We have everything you need to make your family group a memorable experience, in places always dreamed of. It's like putting the world at your fingertips by reuniting families.

tourist products


Opinions of our clients

"Aeroviajes Pacífico has been our ally for more than 40 years. They are a very professional company, with deep knowledge of the tourism industry at a global level, which provides a high quality service. From their hand we have successfully structured and executed our annual trips of incentives, around the world, aimed at our VIP clients. What we value the most is their level of transparency, compliance and the careful support that they have provided us from beginning to end. They have a highly qualified human team that provides a service impeccable. 100% recommended. "
Jose Fernando Cordoba
Hunter Douglas from Colombia SAS

WCP business unit manager
"The College has been working and coordinating the air operation of all the departures that we carry out both within Colombia and abroad for more than 10 years and we have always counted on the serious and organized work of Aeroviajes, which has been fundamental for carry out our operations successfully. "


Contact Form




• Authorization of minors to travel
Necessary when a minor travels abroad without his father.
• Travel dossier
Do not forget to travel with the Planning Day and the pdf of the guide.
• Driving license
Generally, the Spanish driving license is accepted.
• Electronic tickets
We recommend bringing several copies of the main pages.
• Travel insurance
Carry a copy of the policy in your wallet.
• Ticket reservations
Be sure to pack your booking confirmation and invoice.
• Hotel / Address vouchers
They can ask you at immigration control for your hotel details.
• Cash / credit cards
Put some euros in your wallet for the return.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.