Aeroviajes Pacífico de Bogotá SA with National Tourism Registry 552 and Nit 860.059.038-4. As an intermediary between the client and the provider of the goods and services published on this website, it creates commercial agreements within its own quality and service standards, making a selection and evaluation of qualified and most prestigious suppliers in the market. Aeroviajes Pacífico de Bogotá SA takes responsibility for those who purchase services on its Internet portal.

By this means, the user authorizes Aeroviajes Pacífico de Bogotá SA to act as a mediator in the contracting of the different services or products chosen, to make up their travel package.

The customer declares to be of legal age or, in case of being a minor, has the authorization of their parents to carry out the purchase transaction through our websites.
It reserves the right to reject any person or client at the time it deems necessary. Any claim or notification in writing against Aeroviajes Pacífico de Bogotá SA must be received no later than thirty (30) days after the end of the trip.
Aeroviajes Pacífico de Bogotá SA, is subject to the liability regime established by Law 300/96, DR 1075/97, Decree 2438 of 2010 and the regulations that modify, add or reform them. Likewise, Law 1480 of 2011 of the Consumer Statute is subject.

The commitment of the organizer of the tourist plan or package is restricted to the terms and conditions of the program in relation to the provision and quality of services.

The reimbursement policies for services not provided due to situations of force majeure or fortuitous event, action or omission of third parties or of the passenger, not applicable to Aeroviajes Pacífico de Bogotá SA, before or during the trip, which may be subject to return , will be defined by each operator and they will be ratified to the user once the travel documents are reserved and issued, as well as the percentages of penalties or deductions that may take place.

Aeroviajes Pacífico de Bogotá SA is not responsible for the amounts requested in reimbursement. Any reimbursements will be made within 30 calendar days following the request. The percentage of reimbursement will depend on the conditions of the provider and the administration expenses of the agency that are generated from the moment in which all the reservations are made.

Aeroviajes Pacifico may provide advice in case of requesting a visa for a trip determining whether or not the visa is necessary and where to request it, being the exclusive autonomy of the consular authority, everything related to the procedure, the requested documents, the study, costs, duration of the procedure and approval or rejection.

In each plan, the specific conditions of each plan will be shown, defining the form of payment and term, the payment of deposits or advances.

When the travel documents are issued, the passenger will be informed of the cancellation policies, penalties, restrictions and particular conditions of the tourist package.

The client expresses that he knows and fully accepts these conditions, which form the sole, total and exclusive agreement of any pact or legal provision to the contrary, regarding the terms, conditions and restrictions of the contracted services. Additional terms and conditions may apply to reservations and purchase of services and other sections of this site, depending on the specific service provider and you as a user agree to accept such clauses.
The cancellation policies of each service will be communicated during the specific reservation process. The general right of withdrawal in purchases, established in the Consumer Statute in Colombia is 5 days after the completion of the transaction, provided that the services are not acquired to be provided at a time prior to those five (5) days.

In the event that the power to withdraw is used, the contract will be concluded and the money paid by the customer will be restored. The costs involved in the transaction will be paid by the client, that is, the administrative fee will not be reimbursed, as it is a mandatory charge for the issuance of air tickets applicable in the sales of national and international passenger air transport services. . This refund to the consumer will not exceed thirty (30) calendar days from the moment the right was exercised.
- The rates published on the Aeroviajes Pacífico de Bogotá SA website are subject to change without prior notice and are guaranteed only at the time of online payment and issuance of the ticket; In the event that the value of the ticket changes by the airline, the customer will be informed and if he does not agree, the money will be returned immediately by the same way that it was paid. The ticket number is issued after receiving the payment.

- At the time of purchase by phone you authorize to make your payment using your credit card number, confirm and agree to clearly know our reservation, payment, disclaimer and cancellation policies. - Promotional tickets are non-refundable and non-reviewable, so it is suggested that if you do not want this type of tickets, you should contact one of our advisors, who can request the reservation of tickets with the option of changes without penalty.

- Any change in a reservation is subject to availability and rate re-quotation. It is necessary to print the reservation coupon to present it when claiming the services purchased.

- Air tickets are not transferable to another person or to another airline. - Extra charges are incurred with time and / or date changes.

- You can only reverse the purchase the same day by telephone request where they will perform data verification before reversing the purchase.
- If the purchase fee is refundable, proceed by applying the rules and penalties established by the airline.

- The time of the reimbursement process is 30 days after the request is received, the management is carried out with the airline and once it is accepted by it, it must be communicated to the bank so that it can be credited to the cardholder's account.
We accept credit cards Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and payment with checking or savings account through PSE as forms of payment when processing reservations online; all complying with security standards that guarantee the proper handling of your data. If you prefer to make the payment by bank transfer, contact our Advisors.

The value corresponding to your reservation will be charged immediately to your credit or debit card (which will be verified by an online payment system, in case of generating any inconsistency in it, your reservation may be canceled).
For the return of the payment to proceed when the consumer has news of any misleading or unsolicited operation, they must notify the issuer of the electronic payment device used to make the purchase of the claim, which, together with the other participants of the payment process, they will proceed to reverse the transaction to the buyer.
The services requested and contracted may be canceled by the user, and they will have the right to return the deposit and / or the initial fee according to the conditions under which each service has been stipulated and the date on which the cancellation is required as well. as the general conditions of cancellation policies. Aeroviajes Pacifico will not assume responsibility for any demand, cost or expense produced by personal injuries or third parties, accidents or death, loss or damage of personal belongings, lack of fun, anger, disappointment, anguish or frustration (whether mental or physical) resulting from the following causes:

Acts or omissions of any person other than Aeroviajes Pacifico or its employees.

• Illness, theft, labor disputes, strikes, mechanical failures, quarantine, government actions, weather conditions, or any other cause beyond the direct control of Aeroviajes Pacifico. • Impediment of the client to travel due to not having the required documents such as, but not limited to, passports with at least 8 months of validity after the start date of the trip, visas, personal identification, prescriptions or medical documents and certificates. Aeroviajes Pacifico is not responsible to the buyer or any third party due to the impossibility or lack of client documents, so the client must inquire through our website through the visa menu.

• Failure of the client to follow instructions including, but not limited to flight departure times, time and date of entry and exit at hotels, and coupon exchange policies.

• Cancellation or change for any reason of the travel services offered. Aeroviajes Pacifico reserves the right to cancel or change the published services, but it will try to replace them with similar services. If a reservation must be canceled, Aeroviajes Pacifico's liability will be limited to the refund of all money paid by the client; Total refunds do not apply in situations in which the trip has to be canceled, interrupted or postponed by Aeroviajes Pacifico for reasons beyond its control (force majeure, such as, but not limited to, weather conditions, hurricanes, earthquakes , strikes, wars, acts of terrorism, etc.) and in which the contractual duties of Aeroviajes Pacifico with its suppliers do not allow it to obtain reimbursement of the amount paid or to be paid to the supplier on behalf of the buyer. In these cases, Aeroviajes Pacifico reserves the right to retain a 10% of the total amount paid for the reservation as an administrative expense.

Although we constantly update the rates, in remote cases there is the possibility that there may be changes in the rates without prior notice due to contingencies or force majeure. In these cases, the provider may not have a way to quickly update the rates. Aeroviajes Pacifico makes periodic reviews where there may be differences between the price paid for the reservation and the price required to use the service. In case of changes in the rates, if it results in a lower price, that price will be charged and the difference will be refunded. If it results in a higher price, one of our Travel Advisors will contact you and inform you of the change. If you do not agree, Aeroviajes Pacifico will refund the 100% of the amount paid, but is not responsible for demands or inconveniences derived from the change of rates or the cancellation of the reservation.
Aeroviajes Pacifico is committed to promoting Law 679 approved on August 3, 2001, the objective of which is to establish norms to prevent and counteract exploitation, pornography and sex tourism with minors, pursuant to article 44 of the Political Constitution of Colombia. In this sense, it is our duty to inform all our users and clients of Article 17 of Law 679/2001: The sexual exploitation and abuse of minors are criminally and administratively sanctioned in Colombia. Additionally, we have a code of ethics to prevent sexual and commercial exploitation of children in accordance with Resolution 3840 of December 24, 2009 and according to Article 1 of Law 1336 of July 21, 2009.
This Travel Agency and its collaborators will regularly carry out changes to update the information. As a condition for the use of this site, you certify that you will not carry out any illegal or prohibited activity in the terms, conditions and requirements mentioned above.
Aeroviajes Pacifico de Bogotá SA with address in Bogotá at Carrera 13 #77ª -80 and internet portal and,,, co,, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data.

The person responsible for data protection is Aeroviajes Pacifico de Bogotá SA, the person in charge in any case is the Marketing Department-Armando Romero, who is located at the same address and who can be contacted at the email
The personal data that is collected are: name, surname, telephone number, postal and email address. In case of choosing to pay by credit card, the credit card number, expiration date, name of the cardholder will be collected in a cryptic way so that they are not visible by any official of the travel agency and eliminated from the system once the purchase transaction is made; In addition, the address registered in the bank where the credit card is from will be requested; When booking international flights, the date of birth, passport number, name and telephone number of a person specified by the client who will not be traveling on those dates will be collected to serve as an emergency contact if necessary. When booking flights with a stopover or final destination in the United States, the nationality and gender of each passenger will be collected. When booking cruises and travel circuits, the client will be asked for a copy of the passport of all passengers.

In the event that a reservation does not pass the risk verification protocol established by Aeroviajes Pacifico de Bogotá SA, the client will be informed offering another payment option.

For reconciliation of duplicate charges on the customer's credit card and refunds to personal accounts, a copy of the account statement will be requested.

This information is collected and saved when you choose to make a reservation with Aeroviajes Pacifico through the internet, by phone, in person or in writing.

This Privacy Notice based on Article 10 section IV of the Personal Data Protection Law, has the purpose of complying with the obligations derived from the legal relationship between the owner of the data and Aeroviajes Pacifico. The owner may express his refusal to process his personal data for those purposes that are not necessary or that gave rise to the relationship between the client and Aeroviajes Pacifico, through the procedures of access, rectification, cancellation, position that are described in the present Notice of Privacy.
Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user's computer equipment when browsing a specific Internet page, which allow the Internet server to remember some information about this user, including their preferences for the display of the pages on that server.

For their part, web beacons are images inserted into an Internet page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information about the user's IP address, duration of interaction time on said page and the type of browser used, among others. We inform you that we use cookies and web beacons to obtain personal information from you, such as the following:

Your browser type and operating system.

The Internet pages you visit.

The links that follow.

The IP address.

The site you visited before entering ours.

We collect and store non-personal information automatically each time a user enters Aeroviajes Pacifico de Bogotá SA This information is collected and is used only to make constant improvements to the service provided to our customers.
The data provided will have the following purposes:

Process, complete, update, modify, cancel or print the services contracted through Aeroviajes pacifico de Bogotá SA by the following means: electronic, telephone, in person or in writing.

Sending notifications via email exclusively to inform about changes or events related to your travel itinerary: confirmation of the contracted services, modifications, cancellations, refunds, balances and invitations to evaluate or comment on the contracted services and the service received from Aeroviajes Pacificode Bogotá SA, its employees or representatives.

Telephone calls to verify operations or transactions made via the internet, by telephone or in person if Aeroviajes Pacifico or its representatives deem it necessary.

Telephone calls to request documents that establish the identity of the customer or the credit card holder if Aeroviajes Pacifico de Bogotá SA deems it necessary.

To receive travel offers by email if you agree to subscribe to our newsletter of offers by electronic, telephone, face-to-face or written form. If you wish to unsubscribe from the newsletter, please send a message to the email

To constantly maintain and update databases that generate the statistics that allow Aeroviajes Pacifico to improve the services our clients receive.

Limit of use and disclosure of information.

When you subscribe to our program of promotions, offers or services via email, only Aeroviajes Pacifico has access to the information collected (exclusively the owner's email). Our emails may include offers from third parties that are commercial partners, suppliers or associated companies of Aeroviajes Pacifico. Promotional messages or notices are sent solely and exclusively to those who have agreed to subscribe, messages and notices that you can unsubscribe from your email at any time by sending an email to
The personal data that you provide at the time of booking is shared with the suppliers or affiliated companies with which you were contracted to process and complete the services that were acquired through Aeroviajes Pacifico. We never transfer personal data to people or companies outside of Aeroviajes Pacifico. The information that is transferred to suppliers or affiliated companies with which they were contracted, depend on the service that was reserved:

Hotel, transfers, tours: name and surname are transferred exclusively to the provider. Flights that do not have a stopover or final destination in the United States: only name and surname are transferred to the airline.

For flights with a stopover or final destination in the United States, only full name, date of birth and gender are transferred to the Transportation and Security Administration of the United States Government.

For car rental reservations, only name, surname and address are transferred.

Cruises: name, surname and passport number.

Travel circuits: name, surname and copy of the passport.

The purpose of transferring the data previously listed is necessary for the existence and compliance of the legal relationship between the client and Aeroviajes pacifico de Bogotá SA

The owner will be able to express his refusal prior to the processing of his personal data through the procedure described in this Privacy Notice, or else, the owner will have a period of five days so that, if applicable, declare his refusal for the treatment of your personal data for purposes that are different from those that are necessary and give rise to the legal relationship between Aeroviajes Pacifico and the owner of the data. If the owner does not express his refusal to process his data in accordance with the above, it will be understood that he has given his consent for the treatment of the same, unless proven otherwise.
Aeroviajes Pacifico de Bogotá SA reserves the right to modify or change this Privacy Notice if necessary. The changes take effect the moment they are published on any of your internet sites. These changes are published at the web address:

When processing reservations with Aeroviajes Pacifico, its representatives or supporters electronically, by phone, in person or in writing, the owner.



• Authorization of minors to travel
Necessary when a minor travels abroad without his father.
• Travel dossier
Do not forget to travel with the Planning Day and the pdf of the guide.
• Driving license
Generally, the Spanish driving license is accepted.
• Electronic tickets
We recommend bringing several copies of the main pages.
• Travel insurance
Carry a copy of the policy in your wallet.
• Ticket reservations
Be sure to pack your booking confirmation and invoice.
• Hotel / Address vouchers
They can ask you at immigration control for your hotel details.
• Cash / credit cards
Put some euros in your wallet for the return.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.