When you schedule a trip there are several factors that must be taken into account before during After of the trip, and that is why we want to share these Tips to make it easier to organize and plan everything, whether on a trip with a national or international destination. 

1. Bank card for travelers | Avoid locks and charges!

enable your bank card to use it abroad. If you do not notify your bank that you will be abroad, they can block it for "unusual" use or apply fear charges.

However, the traditional banking services are always expensive. Therefore, the first of our tips for traveling is that look for a bank card designed for travelers. This should allow you to withdraw money in the local currency without charges, offer you 0 commissions for payments and immediate blocking if you lose it.

2. Pack your suitcase with what you need | Leave behind the "just in case"

avoid them and take what you really need. Don't be one of those who pack a bunch of things "just in case" and end up using half the suitcase. Pay attention to these tips for traveling Y wear clothes according to the weather of the place that you visit and that you know that you will use.

3. International driving license | Ride the highways of the world

From the outset, you can drive under the conditions indicated in the document. You will also have the possibility of rent a car or motorcycle. Of course, do not forget to take with you the card of your country of origin, because in some countries they check it with the IDP.

Take into account that costs and process of the IDP process vary from country to country.

4. Good attitude about everything | One of the most useful travel tips

A good one attitude of disposition, determination and kindness will open many doors for you abroad. From jobs to friendships, the power of a smile accomplishes unexpected things. Forget your prejudices and your shyness!

5. Separate the money | A little here, another there

There are countries that are safer than others, but it is always advisable to be cautious. One of the tips for traveling What you should keep in mind is to save the money that you take with you distributed in several places.

For example, put some cash in the wallet, the same in the bag and a little more in the secret pocket of your jacket. In this way you will avoid that in the event of a loss or a theft you will run out of money.

6. Check your passport and take care of it | It is important!

Your passport nor it only has to be valid at the time of your arrival to destination, but also throughout the trip including the day of departure. Make sure it doesn't expire in less than six months. Many countries will not accept you if you do not meet this condition.

Of course, you should always have your passport in a safe place and at hand.

7. Don't forget to pack an adapter | Always connected!

You may not know but electric current in other countries varies regarding the electrical current of the country in which you live. Therefore, it is recommended store an adapter in the suitcase. Better to be safe than to see your electrical appliances get damaged by the voltage overload.

8. Pick the best part of the plane | Don't suffer from turbulence

Then try to check-in as soon as possible to secure one of the seats near the wings. It is the area of the plane where turbulence is least noticeable. If these seats are taken, the front of the plane is better than the tail.

On the other hand, flying at night lowers the odds turbulence. In any case, relax! Turbulence they are common and the planes are more than ready to face them.

9. No Roaming! | Get a local mobile card

Go to the country you go to, Find the local mobile card with data or the Wi-Fi router that suits you best. With the internet, you can benefit from apps like Google Maps (to get where you want to go) or Tripadvisor (to find the best places to eat and dine) among many others.

 10. Don't run out of cash | Change money from your country

If you have to change currency, take something from your country. Exchange rates at airports are often high. On the other hand, if you do it from your country, you will be able to find the best conditions to bring a little money before arriving.

Also, always try to request small bills when making the change. This way you will have no problem making small expenses.

The most important thing is that you enjoy all the wonderful experiences that you can discover throughout your trip. 

Source: https://experienciajoven.com/tips-para-viajar/



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• Driving license
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• ESTA travel authorization
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• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.
• ESTA travel authorization
It is requested on its website 72 hours before boarding.